Wireless Home

Wireless at UCCS

The UCCS wireless network is comprised of over 1,600 wireless access points. Over 90% of indoor spaces are covered, and roughly 70 outdoor access points blanket the campus.

Scroll down to find out about the various wireless networks available at UCCS, and information on how and which one you should connect to. We are also an eduroam partner!





Access Policies

Policies that apply to all wireless networks:

Policies that apply to the UCCS-Guest wireless network:

Policies that apply to the eduroam wireless network:

Additional security and policy information can be found at:


Wireless Network Status

StatusNetwork NameNotes
online UpeduroamOperational; no outages
online UpUCCS-GuestOperational; no outages
paused UpUCCS-WirelessOperational; no outages

Active alerts:

  • None

Known down APs:

  • The outdoor AP that services parking lot 176 on the east side of ECFA is currently down.


Available Wireless Networks

Three different wireless networks are present throughout the UCCS campus, each providing a different level of service. The names of these three wireless networks are eduroam, UCCS-Guest, and UCCS-Wireless.


What network should I connect to?
If:I have a UCCS username & password because I am a UCCS student/faculty/staff/etc or I am visiting from an eduroam participating institute...I don't have a UCCS username & password and I'm not from an eduroam institute...
Then:Connect to eduroamConnect to UCCS-Guest


 Click the + next to any of the wireless network names below for more detailed information about that network:


Need Help Getting Connected?

If you have a UCCS username and password, click your device type below for detailed step-by-step instructions
on how to connect to the eduroam network.

If you don't have a UCCS username and password:

  • If you are visiting from an eduroam institute, click here for help connecting to the eduroam network.
  • If you are a guest to campus, click here for detailed help about guest options and the UCCS-Guest network.

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Wireless News

☛ This summer the wireless access points were upgraded in all housing buildings. In total, 779 APs were replaced across 15 buildings.  

Contact Us

Use the form below to ask the wireless team general questions or to provide wireless network feedback.

Please DO NOT use this form for technical support requests. Please contact the Service Desk for technical support.