General How-to Connect
Below is a very quick and general how-to for connecting to wireless on campus. This should work for most computers and smart-phones. For more detailed information about your specific device type, visit the OS Specific How-To's page.
How-To Connect to Wireless
If you have a UCCS username and password or you are from an institution participating in eduroam
On your device connect to the eduroam network. If you have a UCCS email, use your full UCCS email and password when connecting to eduroam. Otherwise, if you are from an institution participating in eduroam, you will enter your home institution username and password when prompted. Be sure your username includes the domain (example: Visit our KB article for specific step-by-step instructions on connecting to eduroam.
If you are a guest visiting campus and are not from an institute that participates in eduroam
On your device, connect to the UCCS-Guest wireless network. You should be presented a web page with various guest options.
Option 1: Single Click Access (unsecure access) - this option gives you immediate internet access over a non-secure network - like free wi-fi at a coffee shop. This is an open network (not encrypted) and you should not be sending or receiving any sensitive information. If you would like a secure wireless connect, use option #2 below. For more help with this option visit our KB page.
Option 2: Request a Guest Account (secure access option) - this option gives you the ability to request a temporary username and password that you can use to then connect to our secure and encrypted wireless network (UCCS-Wireless). After filling out a short form, we will email and txt you your temporary username and password. For more help with this option visit our KB page.
Need More Help?
- Visit the Choose the right wireless network page.
- Visit the OS Specific How-To's page.
- This page has device specific instructions, such as for Windows devices, iPhones, Android phones, etc.
- Contact the OIT Service Desk
- Phone: 719-255-4357
- Email:
- Visit them in person in the El Pomar Center. They are room 108 on the ground level.
- Visit the Service Desk Home Page for even more options.