Wireless Stats
Wireless Stats
Below are various graphs and tables displaying select statistics for the wireless networks at UCCS. Graphs may contain filters on the right side that allow you to manipulate date ranges or what data is displayed.
Quick links:
- Total Wireless Traffic and Unique Clients by Day
- Total Wireless Traffic by Wireless Network
- Wireless Usage by Day of Week & Hour of Day
- Map - Outdoor AP Usage
- Map - Indoor AP Usage Summary by Building
- Wireless Device Connection Modes
Total Wireless Traffic and Unique Clients by Day
This graph details the daily total amount of traffic (in & out) flowing through the wireless networks, in addition to the max number of unique devices seen on the wireless network for that day. Each grey vertical bar represent the total number of unique wireless devices seen on the network for that day. The red line represents the total amount of wireless traffic (inbound & outbound) in TB (terabytes) for that day.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to limit the reporting period to the desired timeframe.
Total Wireless Traffic by Wireless Network
This graph details the monthly total amount of traffic (in & out) flowing through each of the three UCCS wireless networks. Each stacked vertical bar represent the proportional amount of wireless traffic for each wireless network (UCCS-Wireless, UCCS-Guest, and eduroam) for the given month.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to limit the reporting period to the desired timeframe.
Wireless Usage by Day of Week & Hour of Day
This graph helps visual the busiest days of the week, and also the busiest hours of each day. The darker red the circle, the higher the average amount of traffic flowing to wireless devices.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to limit the reporting period to the desired timeframe.
Map - Outdoor Wireless AP Usage
This map shows the location of our outdoor wireless access points. It also visualizes the average number of unique wireless devices the access points see during a day. The larger and darker red the AP marker (which represents the outdoor AP and its location), the higher the average number of unique wireless devices that AP saw per day, during the specified time frame. Additional stats for each AP can be observed by hovering over the AP marker.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to limit the reporting period to the desired timeframe. You can also pan around the map, and zoom in and out.
Map - Indoor Wireless AP Usage Summary by Building
This map summarizes wireless usage by building. Each building marker reflects the indoor wireless usage of all APs in that building. The larger and darker red the building marker (which represents all of the APs in that building or floor), the higher the average number of unique wireless devices that AP saw per day, during the specified time frame. Additional stats for each building can be observed by hovering over the building marker. Some buildings such as KFL and UC are split our by floor.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to limit the reporting period to the desired timeframe. You can also pan around the map, and zoom in and out.
Wireless Device Connection Modes
This graph summarizes wireless device connection modes in use on the UCCS wireless networks. The line graph for each connection mode shows the daily number of unique devices who utilized that specific connection mode at least once during the day. The stacked bar graph helps visualize what percentage of time a specific connection mode was utilized each day.
Use the filters to the right of the graph to compare select connection modes, or to limit the data to specific months and years.
* Note regarding AX clients: Prior to Aug 18, 2021 all AX clients (both 2.4ghz and 5ghz) are lumped into one category. Beginning Aug 19, 2021 the AX clients are split out into 2.4ghz and 5ghz categories.